✓ Cage - with shelves
✓ Water bottle
✓ Bowl
✓ Toys - for fun and my teeth!
✓ Mineral Block/Cuttlebone
✓ Litter - Pine, Carefresh, Aspen Pellets
✓ House
✓ Dust Pan
These are the basics I will need. There are many more products I’d love to have and you can get them for me later, if you haven’t already, to surprise me!!
Set up my cage ..... put food in my bowl, with fresh water in my bottle and my house on a solid level, where it won’t fall on me. I will rearrange the furniture when I get comfortable. Put me into my new home and let me have a quick bath. I’d like that, after my nervous trip to my new home.
Now let me rest and I’ll see you
I am really scared!!
I am in a new home, with
strangers and all sorts of new noises!!
First, set up my new cage and then put me in it to explore while you’re asleep. I will probably hide at first and peek out to see what’s going on around me! I probably won’t want to come out very much and I have to learn to trust you. Take it really slow with me. Trust is earned and I’m just a baby!! Talk to me through the wire or open my door and see how curious I am of you. I will come up to you when I’m ready, I am very curious by nature. Don’t force me to come out to you until I’m ready. Feed me, talk to me and show me what a good person you are ...... don’t tease or scare me!! Otherwise, I’ll run away every time I get a chance.
The slower you are with me now, the better the years to come will be!
Before you know it, I’m your Best Friend!!!